I am often asked pertinent questions about the many different types of law that we are dealing with in the process of re-conveyance – this doesn’t surprise me – the various realms of law to which we are subject mostly lie outside of the day-to-day experiences of average people and learning about them requires a certain flexibility of thought and the ability to consider things philosophically as well as lawfully.
It can be helpful, for those of us unfamiliar with the realms of law, to think of the world as being divided into three fundamental jurisdictions of law (L.A.W); Land, Air and Water (besides Natural Law – of course – which exists above and beyond these three). These three jurisdictions are International in nature, since Land, Air and Water wrap around our entire planet and are present and interface with each other almost everywhere.
The most fundamental – and therefore the one with the most authority – is the Law of the Land. Wherever you go on our planet there is land, even in the middle of the ocean (if you dive down deep enough) you will find land. It is the physical matter upon which we can stand, walk and have our lives.
Note that, in the language of law, there are distinct differences between lawful and legal land – with the details of those distinctions being material for a future post – and that in this particular article we are dealing exclusively with the lawful side of this divide.
Crucially, we are beings of and upon the land, “from dust thou has come and to dust thou shall return”. We do not have wings or fins and gills – the land is our home, not the sea or the air – and it is upon the land that the rivers, canals, lakes and oceans (water) flow, it is upon the land that the winds (air) blow.
Let us take a moment for a brief tangent regarding the meaning of the term jurisdiction. As many of you will know, studying the etymology of words can often lead to interesting revelations about the origins of their meaning, and this case is no exception. Jurisdiction is a compound word coming from the terms “juris” and “diction”.
“Juris” comes from latin (with the obvious connections to Rome) and simply means “right or law” and is found as a prefix in many terms to do with this subject such as “Jurisprudence” and in a further reduced form in the term “Jury”.
“Diction” is also a latin term to do with the precise choice and ordering of words used to convey meaning. In more simplistic terms it could be considered to mean “the word” or, more specifically, “the voice” since it refers to the spoken word more than the written. This is significant as, according to the principles of Roman Law, laws are first spoken into being before they are written and thus the spoken word comes first and has precedence.
It is also prudent to note, at this point, that the original Law of the Land in England – the Molmutine Laws – was passed down through the ages as an oral tradition. The reasons for this are multiple, but chiefly because when something is written – as opposed to memorised – the requirement for an in-depth understanding of the concepts is reduced. You can always go back to the text and read it again; whereas, if it must be memorised, the onus is on the one memorising the words to fully understand and integrate the concepts and meaning of those words. To internalise them into one’s being.
Therefore, Jurisdiction means “the word of law” or “the voice of law” and it is important to understand under WHICH particular “word” you are choosing to stand – because ultimately it is a choice that you make – knowingly or unknowingly.

This brings us neatly back around to the three fundamental jurisdictions once more. As living, breathing, men and women we are born unto the land and therefore the Law of the Land is the native jurisdiction which we are owed by birthright. Any other jurisdiction is foreign to us unless we choose it to be ours and this ultimately comes down to the concept of consent. For the sake of brevity – since consent is a whole subject on it’s own – I will leave discussion of this concept for another day.
The Law of the Land is, quite simply, the law of the place that you physically exist and is embodied by the phrase “when in Rome, do as the Romans do”. It is the realm of law that we – as living people with a physical existence – are most intimately and individually familiar with. In the smallest possible microcosm, you can think of your body as being land and your being as inhabiting that land. You, and only you – as a fully empowered being – have the right to determine what happens to your body. Your body is your land and your word is law – it is your exclusive jurisdiction.
Extended further this concept can be applied to a house. When in another’s house you abide by the rules of that house – whether you happen to actually live there, or are present as a guest – you are expected to follow those rules without question. Whether that means you are taking your shoes off at the door, speaking to others in a given manner or are simply expected to go outside for a cigarette, those are the “Laws of the Land” and refusing to follow them will get you swiftly removed from that land, with prejudice.
The Law of the Land also extends to the towns, cities and countries where we live and can be considered as a combination of the customs, values and traditions (as well as written laws) of the people who populate those places. It is these shared customs etc. that allow a society – of whatever size – to act as a cohesive unit and are essential for a properly functioning group with as little friction between individuals as possible. In short, these shared values are the bedrock upon which our peaceful existence is built.
Land, as with all three of the fundamental jurisdictions, can be further subdivided into separate and yet intrinsically-linked jurisdictions known as Land and Soil – notice the capitalisation – these are not the physical land and soil, but the jurisdictions of Land and Soil which apply to these physical domains. An important distinction that needs to be made; a description of something is not that thing and vice-verse.

The distinction between the Land and Soil (and the land and soil – uncapitalised) is an import one to make, because Land and Soil are occupied by fundamentally different entities in law and if you do not know the distinction between the two then you do not know where you stand and therefore the rights and responsibilities that you take on in each of these jurisdictions.
Land (with a capital “L”) refers to everything below the top six inches of soil, it is populated by People (capital “p”), also known as Lawful Persons, and extends to the centre of the earth by definition. It is concerned with the common heritage of all who live upon the soil above that land (lowercase “s” and “l”) and deals primarily with the deep mineral rights of that land such as coal, oil, natural gas and all metal ores that can be found in and extracted from it. Land (capital “L”) is an international jurisdiction, whereas Soil (capital “S”) is national. The land extends around the whole planet – the soil does not.
Soil (capital “S”) refers to not only the top six inches of soil – but the air immediately above that soil – since our buildings and trees and beings extend into that airspace; the air that we breathe to sustain our lives. Since no living people can exist buried six inches below the topsoil, the soil jurisdiction is the exclusive domain of the living men and women of this earth. It is the place that we exist, the place that we work and play and have our lives. Soil Law deals specifically with interactions between the living people on the land and soil and their interactions between each other. The ways that people conduct themselves in their everyday lives.
“The soil is where people live and breathe. It is where the nation walks. So, it is the province wherein we touch down to Earth and exercise the Common Law as people. In America, our counties are the political subdivisions associated with the soil jurisdiction, and the counties taken together form larger political units known as Union States.” – Anna von Reitz (ref: http://annavonreitz.com/structureofthestatesofamerica.pdf)
Everyone is owed the Law of the Land, based upon the places that they physically live. The Soil (and soil) is populated exclusively by living people (lowercase “p”) – who’s only responsibilities are to manage their own lives according to law and to keep in check those People (capital “P”) or Lawful Persons who manage the Land (and land) on their behalf. Those who populate the Land (capital “L”) are called People (capital “P”, Lawful Persons) and hold office on behalf of their people (you get the distinction by now!) and are responsible for managing the shared deep mineral wealth and protecting private property from threats – without and within – which would seek to undermine or threaten them.
Know your jurisdictions, know where you stand and know what and whom is responsible for protecting that which you hold most dear. Knowledge is power my brothers and sisters; and the truth shall set you free.
For further reading please see the following articles by Anna von Reitz: http://annavonreitz.com/structureofthestatesofamerica.pdf
by Richard “Rik” Parris